Sign up for Beta!

October 11th, 2012 at 9:49 pm

Woo! We are now accepting applications for joining the Card Hunter Beta RIGHT HERE.



What do you get by doing this? Once you sign up, you’ll be in the queue for the Beta. If you’re in the queue, you will be eligible to be picked at some time in some way. Picking may involve pieces of paper with names written on them and a barrel or it may be something slightly less random.

If you sign up, we’ll also make sure we send you email updates as we reach significant milestones with the game – like launching it. We also might send you other game information updates along the way. We promise not to spam you or give your contact information away to anyone else.

And, when will Beta start? That’s a little more complex to answer.

If you watched or played the PAX demo, you know that our core battle system is in good shape, but before we launch a Beta ,we have some important things that need to be done:

  • We’re going to polish up the first part of the main game campaign. Right now we have all of the Beta adventures completed but we need to balance and polish them. There’s no point having a bunch of you test the game and tell us that we need to fix or tune stuff that we already knew we needed to fix or tune.
  • We have to do some work on multi-player, including spicing up the lobby and improving our match-making.
  • We have to put in a system where we can actually sell some stuff and make money out of the game.
  • We’re going to test our ability to handle load. If we invite a hundred Beta testers in and our server just falls over, we won’t be getting much use out of you. Currently we’re in an analysis phase where we’re writing a bunch of bots to stress test the server and see if we need to do any additional work on it.
  • We’re adding some systems to add replay value to our adventures – the quest system that we’ve been talking about a bit on the forums.

How long is all this stuff going to take? Somewhere between “not long” and “a while”… I think you can see why, because some of those tasks require us to investigate what we need to do, as well as actually doing it. If you’ve been following us for a while, you know that we don’t like to give dates that we can’t hit. So we won’t.

Please post any other questions you have about Beta here and I’ll try to answer them!

63 Responses to “Sign up for Beta!”

  1. Awesome!

  2. Oh I’m excited. Been waiting for this since this site went up.

  3. It feels good to be signed for BETA, even though I’m not playing the game yet. πŸ™‚

  4. been waiting for this after every blog update. πŸ˜€

  5. Awesome. Loved seeing this and meeting you guys at PAX, looking forward to trying the game. πŸ™‚

  6. Awesome! Really hope I get in.

  7. By the way, if you already signed up at PAX you DON’T need to sign up again – we already have your application!

  8. Wooohooo, got tired of mtg, looking forward to new challenges

  9. From what I’ve seen of the videos this looks like its going to be a lot of fun …
    it kinda reminds me of heroquest from a long long long time ago, but obviously much much more than that
    when they release will we be able to play with the level designer?

  10. So excited! I’ve enjoyed watching the progress of the game. Can’t wait to try it out! Keep up the good work!

  11. Whoops, sorry! I signed up both here now and at PAX. I guess I am just too excited. πŸ™‚

  12. Well, I think there were a few people with handwriting so bad that I’m not sure we’re going to be able to read it off of the signup. You know who you are (but we might not!). If you’re one of those people, THEN it’s OK to sign up twice.

  13. Yeah! Beta is around the corner!

  14. I am so excited by this news! I cant wait to get my hands on the beta and start to work ^_^

  15. I am looking forward a longstanding relationship with this game! Dont be unloving and say you dont care, because the bond we share is true. Please pick me for your beta tester and I will woo you for eternity or Nov 12, which ever comes first!

  16. Finally a signup! Hopefully we’ll see the beta soon as well, I’ve been looking forward to it for well almost a year now.

  17. Jolly good, I was really considering tracking you all down at work in sydney and badgering you all for an update.

    No muffin bribes happening now!

  18. Awesome!

  19. Been hoping this would happen soon.

  20. I found this from TB!

  21. Just signed up! Man, I’ve been waiting two years for this. Totally looking forward to playing!

  22. I almost knocked over my coffee as my hand spasmed to click the link! What cardboard god should I pray to to get selected?

  23. Want. So bad. Been following for a lengthy amount of time. Hope I get picked πŸ˜€

  24. Never before has being in a queue been so thrilling.

  25. Finally, after the long wait! w00t cardhunter! πŸ˜€

  26. Hope to test this game and share with many ideas πŸ˜€

  27. Great news! Thanks for that…

  28. Oh wow, why did i get online so late today? Well, hopefully not too far behind in the queue!

  29. In case that we should have received a confirmation email: I did not get mine.

  30. There’s no confirmation email yet. Will work on sending something out to everyone on the list.

  31. Congratulations on this. I followed this events long time ago, from early beginings. Hope we in gaming world of this category will count time like something…. Before Card Hunter Beta …. and after ….. (Hopefully as soon as You can provide it to us !!)

  32. This is excellent news.

  33. im soo psyked! πŸ˜€

  34. AWESOME!!!!. I expect to be choice. I am gonna make all of what in my power to help to make this game more awesome!!!. Thanks from Argentina.

  35. Yay!! Beta! I am so happy and I can”t wait to play the game

  36. I get that we’ll probably not see the first round of e-mails for a while as it looks like you’ve still a bit of work before you’re ready to start the beta proper. Still do you guys have a window for when you’ll be sending out the first round of e-mails? I know this is like super early to ask this question.

  37. “Thanks! We’ll see you in the game” Ha! You promised! Now you have to give me a beta key! xD

    No realy. Cant way to try this game out!

  38. betabetabetabetabetabetabetabeta

  39. Yaaaaay i want this game πŸ˜€

  40. A friend showed me this game today, and it looks amazing. Regardless of whether I get in to beta or not, I’ll be looking forward to the release of this game. After signing up for the forums, though, I’ve noticed the system seems to have issues with hotmail, so I ended up signing up for beta twice with a better-working email. Hopefully that doesn’t cause any issues.

  41. haha, everyone’s super excited! You’ve set the cat amongst the pigeons now πŸ˜€

  42. The forum seems unable to send confirmation emails to hotmail, would this affect the beta application process for those who entered with hotmail ?

  43. Awesome. Game looked really promising to me from what I saw in TotalBiscuits video. I’ve been longing for an actual turn based rpg battle game, so I’m looking forward to this quite a bit.

  44. We’re looking into a mailing service for sending out invites and updates so hopefully that won’t have the same spam issues that the forum sign-ups from Hotmail do.

  45. So long since i wanted a game this badly, cant wait to kill my Magicish addiction. Hope you nail the game team.

  46. Finally! Can’t wait to play this game, beta or not! I’m so glad the game is coming along nicely. And the PAX demo was awesome. Keep it up!

  47. Oh , man I can’t wait . I wanna play this now !

  48. Whats this I’m away from the internet for a few days and this happens?! Can’t wait!

  49. Yay!

  50. […] Hunter will be out soonish, maybe. You can sign up for the impending beta right here. jQuery(document).ready(function($) { window.setTimeout('loadFBLike_128036()',1000); }); function […]

  51. It’d be neat if having posted here much before the PAX-related brouhaha would grant one an elevated chance of Beta pickage. (;

  52. great news !

  53. Soooooooo excited. This looks like a game I could play for years and I JUST CANNOT WAIT.

  54. Eagerly anticipating this fantastic looking game! Please keep your code monkeys well fed and speed this along πŸ™‚

  55. /jig

  56. The confirmation emails are working for hotmail πŸ˜€

  57. I can also confirm that confirmation emails to hotmail work.

    Looking forward to help make this game a hit!

  58. […] the moment, you can hop over here and sign up for the beta.Β  They don’t know exactly when they’ll actually release the […]

  59. […] RPS has a great write-up on Blu Manchu’s upcoming browser-based card game,Β Card Hunter.Β I’m not quite sure how this will work, as it’s purported to be free-to-play. Regardless, it looks fantastic. You can sign up for the beta here. […]

  60. I’m sooo ready for this!

  61. After one year of wait, we can wait well still one can !

  62. Huzzah! Hopefully my invite will arrive before my annual leave begins!

  63. Wish I could play. :{

    I hope the starter decks are plenty.
    I also hope they are 5~ bucks each, give or take. I would not mind buying a couple.

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