Card Hunter web client not accessible in 2021

August 11th, 2020 at 5:18 am

As you have probably heard, all major browsers will cease support for Flash at the end of 2020. Unfortunately, as a result, we won’t be able to continue to support Card Hunter played through the web client. If you currently access Card Hunter through a browser, you won’t be able to continue to do so in 2021.

Our sincere apologies to anyone who who will be affected by this change, but things are out of our hands as the browser makers have decided that they no longer wish to support Flash.

Steam access to Card Hunter will be unaffected by this change. If you want to keep playing and you don’t have the Steam client, you can easily obtain it here (for free). You can login using any existing Card Hunter accounts and your progress/collection/etc will be unaffected.

In order to prepare for the pending discontinuation of web access, we will no longer be selling any pizza or bundles through the web client as of October 1st 2020. You will still be able to purchase these items through the Steam client using Steam Wallet but direct Paypal purchases (in the web client) will no longer be directly supported.

Once again, we’re very sorry that this change is happening. If you have any concerns or issues with any of this, ask in this thread or contact us via

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